Pro YOUTH® combats age-related skin issues with its innovative composition. It activates fibroblasts to produce essential proteins like collagen and elastin, strengthening the Dermoepidermal Junction. Its antioxidant properties protect against free radical damage, preventing cell apoptosis and DNA damage. The formula also enhances tissue defense and protection by stimulating the immune system and inhibiting glycation reactions, maintaining skin elasticity and firmness. Additionally, its venotonic properties improve tissue oxygenation and nutrition.


  1. Akebia Quinata Extract: Contains carbohydrates and acids that inhibit glycation, preventing stiffness and loss of elasticity in skin and blood vessels.

  2. Cimicifuga Racemosa Extract: Offers anti-inflammatory properties and stimulates collagen production through phytoestrogenic action, enhancing skin tone and elasticity.

  3. Polygonum Cuspidatum Extract: Contains resveratrol, a phytoestrogen that activates estrogen receptors, stimulating tissue regeneration and collagen production.

  4. Soy Isoflavones Extract: Rich in Genistein and Daidzein, these isoflavones stimulate tissue trophism by interacting with estrogen receptors.

  5. Angelica Polymorpha Extract: Comprises phytosterols and flavonoids, promoting tissue regeneration and collagen synthesis with antioxidant properties.

  6. Trifolium Pratense Extract: Contains isoflavones that stimulate collagen production and tissue regeneration by interacting with estrogen receptors.

  7. Pueraria Lobata Extract: High in isoflavones, especially daidzein and genistein, known for anti-inflammatory properties and stimulating tissue regeneration.

  8. Dioscorea Villosa Extract: Contains diosgenin and saponins, aiding in skin regeneration through collagen and elastin production.

  9. Kigelia Africana Extract: Saponins and flavonoids in this extract enhance dermal fibroblast activity, hyaluronic acid, and collagen levels, regenerating skin tissue and improving vascular health.

Skin Aging, ROS and AGEs

Skin aging is a complex process influenced by internal and external factors. It involves a decline in key proteins like collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid, leading to wrinkles, sagging, and dryness. Glycation and increased enzyme activity contribute to skin fragility. Environmental factors, particularly UV exposure and pollution, accelerate aging by causing photopigmentation and damaging the skin’s protective barrier. Aging also affects skin immunity and metabolic functions, resulting in increased sensitivity and reduced cellular energy, exacerbating visible aging signs.

Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) as known as free radicals Activation of Matrix Metalloproteinase enzyme (MMPs) with a subsequent decline in collagen biosynthesis.
Glycation leading to Advanced glycation end products (AGEs).


pro YOUTH® active substance inhibits to produce the glycated end products by non-enzymatic glycation reaction. **pro YOUTH® active substance : SPYAS Positive control: AMG (Aminoguanidine) 

Graph showing fluorescence intensity in the presence of varying concentrations of Pro YOUTH® active substance and AMG.

Cell protection from oxidative stress

pro YOUTH® active substance protects human derma fibroblasts from induced oxidative stress by two oxidative stressors.
**pro YOUTH® active substance : SPYAS

Graphs illustrating the effect of Pro YOUTH® active substance on cell viability in the presence of Rotenone and H2O2.

collagenase activity

pro YOUTH® active substance inhibits collagenase activity of human dermal fibroblasts.

Graphs illustrating the impact of Pro YOUTH® active substance on MMP-1 activity induced by TNF-α and on collagenase inhibition.

Inhibitory effect of SPYAS on AGEs formation

pro YOUTH® active substance inhibits collagenase activity of human dermal fibroblasts.
Carboxymethyllysin(CML) is one of the advanced glycation end-product (AGEs), and it is used as marker of glycation of the skin.
pro YOUTH® active substance decreased the CML formation induced by methylglyoxal.
Histological images showing the effect of various treatments, including Pro YOUTH® active substance and Methylglyoxal, on skin samples after 8 days.
Bar graph showing CML staining intensity under various conditions, including Pro YOUTH® active substance and Methylglyoxal treatments.

CML Staining Intensity | VW: very weak, W: weak, M:moderate, QC: quite clear, C: clear, VC: very clear, S: strong

– B(D0): blank, on D0
– B(D8): blank, on D8,
– PR: positive reference (aminoguanidine 1%)
– SPYAS: pro YOUTH® active substance 1%
– MG: Methylglyoxal 500 μM (CML formation inducer) – PRMG: aminoguanidine 1% + MG 500 μM
– SPYASMG: pro YOUTH® active substance 1% + MG 500 μM

Effect of SPYAS on dermal elastic network

Fibrillin-1, a 340 kDa glycoprotein, is the major component of oxytalan fibers which plays an essential role in maintaining the integrity of the dermis. Fibrillin-1 is usually used as a bio-marker of the structural state of the extracellular matrix of the dermis
pro YOUTH® active substance increased the fibrillin-1 expression.
Microscopic images showing Fibrillin-1 staining under different conditions including Pro YOUTH® active substance and Methylglyoxal treatments.
Bar chart depicting CML staining intensity levels across different conditions, including Pro YOUTH® active substance and Methylglyoxal treatments.

CML Staining Intensity | VW: very weak, W: weak, M:moderate, QC: quite clear, C: clear, VC: very clear, S: strong

– B(D0): blank, on D0
– B(D8): blank, on D8,
– PR: positive reference (aminoguanidine 1%)
– SPYAS: pro YOUTH® active substance 1%
– MG: Methylglyoxal 500 μM (CML formation inducer)
– PRMG: aminoguanidine 1% + MG 500 μM
– SPYASMG: pro YOUTH® active substance 1% + MG 500 μM

Clinical Study

pro YOUTH® active substance is considered that it helps improve skin wrinkle on human skin.

Bar chart and skin images illustrating the improvement in skin wrinkles over 0 weeks, 4 weeks, and 8 weeks of using Pro YOUTH® active substance.

moisturizing effect

pro YOUTH® active substance showed a significantly longer lasting hydration.

Bar chart illustrating skin hydration percentage variation before treatment, and at 5, 30, and 120 minutes after treatment with control, 0.1% Pro YOUTH®, and 1.0% Pro YOUTH®.

Promotion of collagen synthesis

2% pro YOUTH® active substance induces the secretion of anchoring protein like collagen VII, stimulates the renewal of the DEJ and improves cohesion.

Expression of collagen VII mRNA in cultures of human fibroblasts with 2% pro YOUTH®.

Bar chart showing the expression levels of collagen VII mRNA in human fibroblasts with control, TGF β1, and 2% Pro YOUTH®.

Promotion of integrins α2/β1 Synthesis

2% pro YOUTH® favours the synthesis of α2β1 integrins, responsible for the dermal-epidermal junction and cellular interactions.

Bar chart showing the increase in β1 and α2 integrins after 24 and 48 hours of incubation with 2% Pro YOUTH®.

Effect on the quantity of a α2β1 integrins by pro YOUTH®

  • Soluble in water, ethanol, glycerin, propylene glycol
  • 100% plant-derived and palm-free.
  • It blocks the free radicals and fights their action, thereby preventing cell apoptosis, damages to DNA and the metabolism.
  • It restores the tissue defenses and protection thanks to immune stimulation and modulation. The structural protection is assured also thanks to plant agents that can block the Glycation reactions.
  • It facilitates the oxygenation and nutrition of the tissue through vascular protection and venotonic action.


Synergistic blend of vegetal active compounds delivered in a polyglycerol medium.

   Appearance Liquid
   Colour Pale Yellow
   Odour Characteristic
   pH 4.5 – 6.5
   Dry residue (105°C) 55 – 65 %
   Specific Gravity (25°C) 1.14 – 1.20

It is ideal for:

  • Day and night emulsions
  • Face and eye contour serums


% OF USE: 2.0%


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